Research History and Designs
** History **
1. Tulip Ware of the Pennsylvania-German Potters - An Historical Sketch of the Art of Slip-Decoration in the United States by Edwin Atlee Barber, published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1970, originally published in 1903
2. Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania by Frances Lichten, published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1946
3. Pennsylvania Dutch American Folk Art by Henry J. Kauffman, published by Olde Springfield Shoppe, West Chester, PA, 1993 originally published in 1946
4. The Pennsylvania German Collection – Philadelphia Museum of Art by Beatrice B. Garvan, published by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, 1982
5. The Pennsylvania Germans - A Celebrations of Their Arts 1683 – 1850 by Beatrice B. Garvin and Charles F. Hummel, published by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, 1982
6. Redware America’s Folk Art Pottery by Kevin McConnell, published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd., New York
7. The Art of the Potter Edited by Diana and J. Garrison Stradling, ANTIQUES Magazine Library, Main Street/Universe Books, 1977
** Designs **
I bring these titles and more to the class/workshop
1. Folk Art Motifs of Pennsylvania by Frances Lichen, published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1976, originally published in 1954
2. American Folk Art Designs and Motifs for Artists and Craftspeople by Joseph D’Addetta, published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1984
3. Early American Design Motifs by Suzanne E. Chapman, published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1974
4. More design books too!